The schedule can be downloaded here
The complete program can be downloaded here
8:30-8:45 Welcome
8:45-9:40 Hans Metz
The interplay of infectivity that decreases with virulence and limited cross-immunity : (toy) models for respiratory disease evolution
9:45-10:25 Frédéric Hamelin
Allee effects and the evolution of polymorphism in cyclical parthenogens
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:40 Nadav Shnerb
Spatio-temporal heterogeneity and unstable coexistence
11:45-12:25 Cristian Tomasetti
Stochastic modeling of the accumulation of passenger and driver mutations in cancer
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:55 Nicolas Champagnat
Coalescent point process and applications to the size of large families
in general branching processes
15:00-15:40 Luca Dall'Asta
Balancing selection in subdivided populations
15:45-16:25 Pierre Vallois
A stochastic model of tumor growth based on branching processes
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-17:40 Nathalie Krell
Statistical estimation of a growth-fragmentation model observed on a genealogical tree
19:30-20:30 Dinner
8:45-9:40 Sylvie Méléard
Stochastic dynamics of adaptive trait and neutral marker driven by eco-evolutionary feedbacks
9:45-10:25 Sylvain Billiard
The interaction between genetics and demography causes population extinction
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:40 Nicolas Bacaër
Some population models in periodic or random environments
11:45-12:25 Camille Coron
Slow-fast stochastic dynamics and quasi-stationary behavior of a diploid population
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:55 Terry Speed
Removing unwanted variation from high-throughput omic data
15:00-15:40 Alain Hauser
Causal inference from interventional data
15:45-16:25 Solenn Stoeckel
Integrating knowledge on genomic structure and ancestral diversity to detect outlying genomic regions
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-17:40 Vincent Bansaye
Letting Markov chains evolve along genealogies
17:45-18:25 Malgorzata Bogdan
Model selection approach for genome wide association studies in admixed populations
18:30-19:30 Visit of Jean Lurçat Museum
19:30-20:30 Dinner
8:45-9:40 Amaury Lambert
Coalescent trees of generalized birth-death processes
9:45-10:25 Jean-François Delmas
A population model with non-neutral mutations using branching processes with immigration
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:40 Charline Smadi
Genetic hitchhiking and eco-evolution
11:45-12:25 Julien Berestycki
The number of (selectively) accessible evolutionary paths in the House of cards model
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Visit of Bon Pasteur convent
16:00-18:00 Visit of Angers medieval town
19:30-20:30 Conference dinner
8:45-9:40 Elizabeth Thompson
Models for the inference and use of identity-by-descent in populations
9:45-10:25 Simon Boitard
Inferring the past dynamics of effective population size using genome wide molecular data
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:40 Mikael Falconnet
Modelling DNA sequence evolution with interacting particle systems
11:45-12:25 David Kessler
Family size statistics
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:55 Étienne Pardoux
Lambda-coalescent and look-down model with selection
15:00-15:40 Olivier Mazet
Why does the effective size change in population history ?
15:45-16:25 Dan Goreac
Linearization methods in the control of PDMP associated to gene networks
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-17:40 Yves Dumont
On impulse fire events in a tree-grass interactions model in savanna ecosystem
17:45-18:25 Safia Slimani
Stochastic stability for predator-prey model of Holling type II with term refuge
19:30-20:30 Dinner
20:30-21:30 Organ concert by Claude-Julien Thil at Chapelle du Bon Pasteur
8:45-9:40 Bahram Houchmandzadeh
Selection for altruism through random drift in variable size populations
9:45-10:25 Beata Hat-Plewinska
Cell fate decision control in the stochastic model of p53 regulatory pathway
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:40 Carole Knibbe
Genome size evolution: challenging intuition with modelling
11:45-12:25 Richard Pymar
Localisation in the Bouchaud-Anderson model
12:30-14:00 Lunch
19:30-20:30 Dinner
Hilla Behar
Balance between absorbing and positive fixed points in resource consumption models
Manon Costa
Evolution of a community of preys and predators in a rare mutation framework
Yael Fried
A damage spreading transition in a stochastic host-pathogen system
Clara Landry
Simulation model of a tropical foliar epidemic disease at plant scale: case of black sigatoka on banana
Hélène Leman
Influence of a spatial structure on phenotypic evolution
Magnus Lindh
Soil pathogens and plant diversity
Thi Ngoc Anh Nguyen
Coding multi-type continuous time Galton-Watson forests
Mariana Padron
Coupling a biophysical and genetic model for the study of connectivity in marine invertebrates forming a metapopulation
Katja Reichel
Non-linear evolutionary dynamics in partially asexual populations
Chaker Sbai
Reconstructing graphs associated with pedigree of cultivars